Watch Live: 9/11 Memorial Ceremony in New York City — TIME

Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks that left nearly 3,000 people dead. People around the world mark the day in different ways, with President Obama speaking at a Pentagon ceremony and Vice President Joe Biden participating in a tribute before a football game in Philadelphia. The commemoration ceremony at…

via Watch Live: 9/11 Memorial Ceremony in New York City — TIME

#Digilit Sunday: “Reflection” — A Teaching Life

Digilit Sunday is hosted by Margaret Simon @Reflections on the Teche. Today, Margaret asks us to consider the word “reflection”. Reflection is baked into my teaching life: after every lesson, read aloud, collaborative project, teaching day, and professional reading or conference attended, I make it a priority to reflect on what I learned, how it went, or how […]

via #Digilit Sunday: “Reflection” — A Teaching Life

How to Tell Who’s Winning the Presidential Race — TIME

As we settle into the final weeks of the presidential election, it can be nerve-wracking for supporters of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to read the news. Each day seems to bring some new tidbit of information that casts the election in a new light. But it’s important to keep an eye on the big…

via How to Tell Who’s Winning the Presidential Race — TIME

The long and well-lighted hallway — One Day | One Image

This is a pretty crappy hotel – cardboard boxes and other flammable stuff stored in the fire exit, lumpy pillows, exfoliating towels, etc. But it did have this going for it: a nice view of a long, lighted hallway. So, there’s that. Dumas, Texas photographed 8.29.2016

via The long and well-lighted hallway — One Day | One Image

America Marks 15th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks: ‘The Grief Never Goes Away’ — TIME

(NEW YORK) — The U.S. marked the 15th anniversary of 9/11 on Sunday, with a moment of silence marking the instant when a hijacked plane crashed and revealed that the deadliest terror attack on American soil was underway. At ground zero, hundreds of victims’ relatives and dignitaries gathered to hear the reading the names of…

via America Marks 15th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks: ‘The Grief Never Goes Away’ — TIME

Yes, We Can Build Industry in Space—And We Should Start Now — Fortune

In a lengthy proposal released last week, former NASA researcher and current University of Central Florida professor Dr. Phil Metzger argues that the development of a mining and manufacturing supply chain in space is both plausible and beneficial. Metzger, whose work at NASA included developing Lunar and Martian architecture, writes that offworld manufacturing would benefit…

via Yes, We Can Build Industry in Space—And We Should Start Now — Fortune

Bullets Trump Rehab as Asia Quickens ‘Failing’ War on Drugs — Fortune

The Philippines has launched a bloody “war on drugs” that has killed at least 2,400 people in just two months, while neighboring Indonesia has declared a “narcotics emergency” and resumed executing drug convicts after a long hiatus. In Thailand and Myanmar, petty drug users are being sentenced to long jail terms in prisons already bursting…

via Bullets Trump Rehab as Asia Quickens ‘Failing’ War on Drugs — Fortune