Good Friday 2019: Taking the time to Study Messianic Prophecies of Christ — The Domain for Truth

It’s Good Friday 2019. Over the years we have had posts on Christ’s death and also Messianic prophecies. I thought I share some of those classic posts, some of which were very popular.

via Good Friday 2019: Taking the time to Study Messianic Prophecies of Christ — The Domain for Truth

‘Washington is a bit hysterical’: French envoy offers advice as he bids adieu — Politics, Policy, Political News Top Stories

For the past two years, Gérard Araud, France’s ambassador to the United States, has signed off on the cables he sends back to Paris with the same caveat: “Of course, a surprise can’t be excluded.”Such is life for many diplomats in Washington in the era of Donald Trump. But Araud, who retired this week after…

via ‘Washington is a bit hysterical’: French envoy offers advice as he bids adieu — Politics, Policy, Political News Top Stories

The Quick Read About… Ukraine’s Run-Off Presidential Elections — TIME

What Happens This Week: Ukrainians head to the polls this weekend to choose between a comedian who plays a Ukrainian president on TV and a chocolate baron who plays a Ukrainian president in real life. No joke. Why It Matters: Because it’s Ukraine. For better or worse, Ukraine is the bridge that unites—or divides, depending…

via The Quick Read About… Ukraine’s Run-Off Presidential Elections — TIME

Why the Mueller Report Shouldn’t Be the Final Word on Trump, Russia and Obstruction of Justice — TIME

In “The Special Counsel’s Charging Decisions” section of Volume I of the Mueller Report, the Special Counsel reveals some of the frustration that prosecutors can face in the course of an investigation. We also gain some insight into why a prosecutor’s decision to not bring charges can change. Because such a decision relates to the…

via Why the Mueller Report Shouldn’t Be the Final Word on Trump, Russia and Obstruction of Justice — TIME